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You Won't Believe What I Just Discovered..

You Won't Believe What I Just Discovered..

01-28-25 - You Won't Believe What I Just Discovered.. šŸ”¹ GĪŸDRULĪ•S LĪ™NKS HERE - šŸ”ø ĪĪŸAH VR GAME Ī”RĪŸJECT - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”¹ HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - In this video here, I talk about a few different stories from the last week. First, I start with a debate between Charlie Kirk and Michael about the Pope. I play a clip showing something interesting that many people missed. I go from there, and talk about what the Catholic Church recently said and how it's lost it's way and how this plays out in our culture in 2025. Second, I play a clip from Wes Huff about the Book of Enoch and comment on what he said. I show how the first clip from Charlie relates and show something of an assumption. Third, I talk about how the Book of Enoch and other books were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and why this is important. Last, I talk about the 3 Days of Darkness that is referred to via the St Malachy prediction. Is the Pope Legit? Catholicism v. Protestantism Debate Ft. Michael Knowles The U.S. Catholic Church has decided to speak out against President Trump's immigration policies, in a historic move. pope all roads lead to god CEOs join Vatican in push for ā€˜system changeā€™ Does the word Vatican mean divining serpent? vatican assembly hall Do you know what's worse than a pandemic? A QUAD-DEMIC!!! The $500B AI Infrastructure 'Stargate' initiative is just the start of what I expect will be a series of major investments under Trump's presidency -- here are some of the key beneficiaries of projects like this šŸ§ Prophecy of the Popes Is the Pope Legit? Catholicism v. Protestantism Debate Ft. Michael Knowles Wesley Huff Unpacks The Truth Behind The Book of Enoch Wes Huff Is A Protestant and a Calvinist, showing his bias, as Calvinists reject all of the Apocrypha The Book of Enoch is quoted in the Bible Book of Enoch original language - Is aramaic similar to paleo hebrew? - Which is closer to Paleo Hebrew, Aramaic or Hebrew? - Hellenistic period - when did jeremiah live - Book of Enoch solar vs lunar calendar did babylon use a solar or lunar calendar Enoch Used Solar and Lunar Calendar Did many of the ancient pyramids use solar or lunar calendars? Romans 3:2 - 2 Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God. In the time of King Josiah, were the scriptures lost? origen the jews do not use tobit. it is not even found in the hebrew hidden writings The Dead Sea Scrolls show that Tobit was indeed considered scripture during that time sadducees asked Jesus 7 men married woman die JUSTIN MARTYR ON THE JEWISH CORRUPTION OF THE SCRIPTURES
Something Very Bizarre Is Happening.. VideĪæs Like These Are Starting To Creep People Out..

Something Very Bizarre Is Happening.. VideĪæs Like These Are Starting To Creep People Out..

02-03-25 - Something Very Bizarre Is Happening.. VideĪæs Like These Are Starting To Creep People Out.. šŸ”¹ GĪŸDRULĪ•S LĪ™NKS HERE - šŸ”ø ĪĪŸAH VR GAME Ī”RĪŸJECT - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”¹ HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - In my video here, I talk about a number of stories. First, I talk about a video from a couple years back of a famous singer who was on Eurovision. I show how much she has changed from a couple years back until now. Next, I talk about a scene from the movie called the Matrix with Keanu Reeves. This scene shows the world we are living in. Is it a system or our physical world around us? Then, I talk about the time we are living in and how we seem echoes of it in some of the movies we watch like Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Last, I talk about how what we see today was predicted in ancient books of the past. The Matrix is a System Neo (1999) Bambie Thug evolution The Shane Lynch Interview - Premier Christianity Shane Lynch - Boyzone daystar scandal latest ā€œWhat happened was out of my controlā€: Jim Carrey Claims Actor Was Possessed By Ghost of Late Comedian For 4 Months, Made Him Look ā€œLike an aā€”holeā€ Alter Apex Legends Sibylline Oracles Book 8 Pastor kicks Bible in Church? Introduction ā€œThe child is not merely a symbol of growth, but of complete moral independence and innocence. We may then expect the New Aeon to release mankind from its pretence of altruism, its obsession of fear and its consciousness of sin. It will possess no consciousness of the purpose of its own existence. It will not be possible to persuade it that it should submit to incomprehensible standards; it will suffer from spasms of transitory passion; it will be absurdly sensitive to pain and suffer from meaningless terror; it will be utterly conscienceless, cruel, helpless, affectionate and ambitious, without knowing why; it will be incapable of reason, yet at the same time intuitively aware of truth. I might go on indefinitely to enumerate the stigmata of child psychology, but the reader can do it equally for himself, and every idea that comes to him as characteristic of children will strike him as applicable to the events of history since 1904, from the Great War to Prohibition. And if he possess any capacity for understanding the language of symbolism, he will be staggered by the adequacy and accuracy of the summary of the spirit of the New Aeon given in The Book of the Law. I may now point out that the reign of the Crowned and Conquering Child is limited in time by The Book of the Law itself. We learn that Horus will be in his turn succeeded by Thmaist, the Double-Wanded One; she who shall bring the candidates to full initiation, and though we know little of her peculiar characteristics, we know at least that her name is justice. THE ETHICS OF THE BOOK OF THE LAW. Every cosmography implies some sort of ethical theory. The Aeon of Osiris had been succeeded by that of Horus. The Magical Formula of the Aeon being no longer that of the Dying god but that o the Crowned and Conquering Child, mankind is to govern itself accordingly. A ā€˜righteousā€™ act may be defined as one which fulfills the existing Magical Formula. The motives which were valid in the Aeon of Osiris are sheer superstition today. What were those motives and on what basis did they rest? The old conception was that man was born to die; that eternal life had to be gained by a magical act, exactly as the sun had to be brought to life every morning by the priest. There is no need to develop the ethics of Thelema in detail, for everything springs with absolute logic from the singular principle, ā€˜Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.ā€™ Or, to put it another way, ā€˜There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.ā€™ And, ā€˜thou hast no right but to do thy will.ā€™ This formula itself springs ineluctably from the conception of the individual outlined in the preceding section. ā€˜The word of Sin is Restriction.ā€™ ā€˜It is a lie, this folly against self.ā€™ The theory is that every man and every woman has each definite attributes whose tendency, considered in due relation to environment, indicate a proper course of action in each case. To pursue this course of action is to do one's true will. ā€˜Do that, and no other shall say nay.ā€™ā€”Aleister Crowley (Confessions Of Aleister Crowley: Chapter 49: Part Three: The Advent Of The Aeon Of Horus) Confessions Of Aleister Crowley: Chapter 49: Part Three: The Advent Of The Aeon Of Horus ā€œRelease From Altruismā€ The ā€œreleaseā€ of Mankind from Altruism is exactly what happened with Ayn Randā€™s Movement called ā€œLibertarianismā€. Ayn Rand openly spoke up against Christian Conservative Altruism. Aleister Crowley said that they will literally see the word ā€œSinā€ as RESTRICTION! Ayn Rand (Wikipedia) Aeon Of The Child In Media Aleister Crowley also mentioned the Philosopherā€™s Stone (Sorcererā€™s Stone) and King Arthur Quest for the Holy Grail in tandem with the Aeon Of The Child. Itā€™s so funny you have the first Harry Potter Book and Film being about the Philosopherā€™s Stone and many different Children Films about King Arthur with Disney and other Film Companies as well! Harry Potter And The Philosopherā€™s Stone Film (Wikipedia) The Sword In The Stone Film (Wikipedia) ā€œHe Will Be Staggered By The Adequacy And Accuracy Of The Summary Of The spirit Of The New Aeonā€ So many People talk about how insanely accurate his Description of this Aeon turned out to be. Aeon Of The Child (Reddit) Epicene Paradox
Another Massive Deception Within The Church I Just Discovered

Another Massive Deception Within The Church I Just Discovered

01-21-24 - Another Massive Deception Within The Church I Just Discovered šŸ”¹ SALEDADDY1 LĪ™NKS - šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœĪ•RGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FE - šŸ”¹ HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”ø NOĪ‘H VR GAME Ī”RĪŸJECT - šŸ”¹ GĪŸLD AND SĪ™LVĪ•R Ī—Ī•RE - The Most DISTURBING Christmas ā€œChurchā€ Services THE BOOK OF CLARENCE - Official Trailer (HD) no church in the wild lyrics justin beiber marlyn manson Lil Nas X Lil Nas X - J CHRIST (Official Video) Why is Calvinism so ILLOGICAL? A Detailed Study on Difficult To Understand Bible Passage Can a Christian be Gay or Lesbian? A Comprehensive Study on Prostitution in the Bible Allusions And Symbols In "Song Of Solomon" Aleister Crowley Gilles de Rais aleister crowley manicheanism The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius 2 Esdras 14 1 John 4:3 99% Of Christians Get It Wrong About What Jesus Said About Lust and Porn daniel change times and laws 1 Corinthians 6:9 lust concieves and brings forth sin Matthew 21:31 ā–ŗ
They Hide In Secret Under The Great Red Dragon, But Their Time Is Coming To An End In 2024

They Hide In Secret Under The Great Red Dragon, But Their Time Is Coming To An End In 2024

01-07-24 - They Hide In Secret Under The Great Red Dragon, But Their Time Is Coming To An End In 2024 Shadows: Out of London Bridge Documentary The Prophecy of Merlin: The Two Dragons England's flag wales saxons GR VIDEO SERIES: MFG BUILDING: king henry viii crest emperor charlemagne KING JAMES BIBLE (KJV) - REVELATION 12 KING JAMES BIBLE (KJV) - REVELATION 20 MIKROS: serpens constellation millennial reign of christ revelation PREPARE WITH GODRULES MPS: APMEX GRVIDEOS.COM GODRULES MERCH:
Joe's Island, Medieval Witches & Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell - Mysteries, Ep 14

Joe's Island, Medieval Witches & Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell - Mysteries, Ep 14

12-12-23 - Natly Denise Joins Us For Ep 14 - Joe's Island, Medieval Witches & Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell šŸ”ø ĪŸUR GIVEĪ‘WAY HERE - šŸ”¹ GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - šŸ”ø GĪŸDRULES LĪ™NK Ī”AGE - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”¹ HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”ø GĪŸLD AND SĪ™LVER Ī—Ī•RE - winter power Kerry: Coal power plants shouldn't be "permitted anywhere in the world" Domestic 2023 Weekend 48 Godrules Links Neal McDonough was blacklisted by Hollywood for refusing to do s*x scenes. He says his faith got him through it. This New CHRISTIAN MOVIE is INSANE!! Lil Nas X Now CHRISTIAN? Tate Vs Piers Exposes A lot, The Ceasefire Disaster, & more! Lady Ballers | Official Trailer Siaka is a good man and a huge talent. Siaka Massaquoi Legal Defense Fund Disney Cuts Streaming Loss, Takes $2.4B Charge For DTC Content Purge In Mixed June Quarter ā€˜If you donā€™t like the USA, please leave and take your comrades Alec Baldwin, Cher, Madonna, Rosie, Jennifer Lawrence, Miley Cyrus, Mark Ruffalo, Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, Barbara Streisand, Matt Damon, Oprah, Colin Kaepernick medieval witches Witch Trials Marina Abramovic Energy Clothes Sixtus III: "Monasteries and Harems were one and the same!" Dark Secrets of the Vatican PREPARE WITH GODRULES MPS: APMEX GRVIDEOS.COM GODRULES MERCH:
Hidden History: Merlin The Magician Prophecy - Mysteries, Episode 13

Hidden History: Merlin The Magician Prophecy - Mysteries, Episode 13

12-02-23 - Hidden History: Merlin The Magician Prophecy - Episode 13 šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - šŸ”¹ GĪŸDRULĪ•S STĪŸRĪ• - šŸ”ø HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”¹ HOW Ī„OU CAN ĪœAKE IT TO Ī—EĪ‘VEN - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”ø GĪŸDRULĪ•S ĪEW SĪ™TE - šŸ”¹ GĪŸLD AND SĪ™LVER Ī—Ī•RE - Apparently Joan Of Arc had "Visions" that "correlated" with "Prophecies" about a "Virgin Woman who would be the Savior of France". One of these so-called "Prophecies" was attributed to Merlin The Wizard!!! Joan Of Arc seems to have been very naive and she was a dumb virgin girl who has Manichaen Ideas because she took a Vow Of Celibacy. I wonder if Gilles de Rais groomed her and used her because he was aligned with The Devil. Perhaps God was trying to Bring Judgement against France and The Devil used a "Pure Innocent Virgin" to argue his way through Court in The Divine Council. Perhaps The Devil defended Gilles de Rais' bloodshed and raping of children and the Pollution of France through Pedophile Elites like Gilles de Rais by claiming that Gilles de Rais was "doing a good thing" by "protecting" Joan Of Arc and both The Devil and Gilles de Rais used Joan Of Arc as a Human Shield in The Divine Council and The Catholic Church was so confused that they didn't know what to think of her until they had to execute her for cross-dressing and having Visions that they claim to contradict Christian Doctrine. They burned the Virgin Girl live at The Stake and I wonder if The Devil used this as a Sacrifice in The Divine Council to pay for Gilles de Rais' Sins since Gilles de Rais was a Satanist and didn't Worship Christ! So The Devil slingshotted everything and set it up so Joan Of Arc would be Sacrificed. I'm thinking that this probably played a Big Role in The French Revolution which caused The Rise Of The Jacobins which Influenced Karl Marx! The French Revolution created a lot of the problems that we see today with Secularism and Marxism and Leftism and Communism and Satanism! Jacobin Club History Atheism And The French Revolution The Dechristianization Of France During The French Revolution The Devil was filling France with Bloodshed and Pedophilia to set everything up to bring about Secularism and Atheism and Communism and God was going to bring Judgement upon France to stop it and The Devil used Joan Of Arc as a Sacrifice to argue his Case in The Divine Council and The Church wasn't prepared to deal with it! The French Revolution also played a HUGE ROLE in BOTH World Wars!
The Antichrist (Unbelievable Discovery) - Mysteries of The Unknown, Ep. 12

The Antichrist (Unbelievable Discovery) - Mysteries of The Unknown, Ep. 12

The Antichrist (Unbelievable Discovery) - Mysteries of The Unknown, Ep. 12 šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - šŸ”¹ GĪŸDRULĪ•S STĪŸRĪ• - šŸ”ø HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”¹ HOW Ī„OU CAN ĪœAKE IT TO Ī—EĪ‘VEN - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”ø GĪŸDRULĪ•S ĪEW SĪ™TE - šŸ”¹ GĪŸLD AND SĪ™LVER Ī—Ī•RE - Pope Sixtus III's Papacy the Year after in 432 A.D. Up until that point, right up until the Ecumenical Council Of Ephesus, Pope Sixtus III strongly advocated for the Doctrine Of Theotokos. This is the First Marian Dogma that led the Catholics astray. The would influence the Theology for over 1,400 Years that would lead to the next Marian Dogma, the Immaculate Conception Of Mary (Mary was "Sinless"!). The idea of the Theotokos Concept means "God-Bearer". So there was this whole debate if Mary was "The Mother Of Jesus" or "The Mother Of God" (Theotokos) and when it was BOTH, they decided on "Theotokos". So then that influenced Theology for over 1,400 Years and they eventually decided that for Mary to be called "Theotokos" and not "Mother Of Jesus", it would be impossible for that to be true if she was had ever Sinned because of the Manichaen Doctrine of Original Sin (Sin is transferred through DNA šŸ§¬) and so they believe that Jesus couldn't had been perfect if Mary wasn't. So they made up this concept that when Mary was conceived, God Miraculously stopped the DNA Transfer of Sin to her Genome. That's literally what they believe. In Reality, The Holy Spirit is the Theo-Tokos and Mary is "Mother Of Jesus". Really, I just like Nestorius said about that and that technically Mary should be called "Christokos" (Christ-Bearer) not "Theotokos" (God-Bearer) because these Titles have Theological Implications that lead to Doctrinal Consequences. Nestorius has some weird and interesting ideas though. He got into a lot of trouble with the Marian Debates because he had very strong disputes with the vast majority of Christian Leaders of their ideas about Mary. He believed that Jesus Christ actually had a Dual-Hypostasis instead of a Singular Hypostasis. I would really look into the Post-Nicene Era Church Father, Nestorius. He was a Contemporary of Augustine's and he really participated heavily in a lot of the Marian Doctrinal Disputes. I also learned that the Post-Nicene Era was from 325 A.D. to 451 A.D. So Augustine was actually Post-Nicene Era. Also, Pope Sixtus united the Eastern and Westerns Churches on Doctrine, apparently. Allegedly, according to this one video, Pope Sixtus III claimed that Harems and Monasteries are exactly the same and then said that he could act in the place of Christ with the Nuns and that the Nuns were his Brides as the Pope. He allegedly claimed that since Jesus didn't visit the Earth often to perform Sex with the Nuns, he could act as Jesus and sleep with the Nuns himself. He even went on trial for raping a Nun A trial over the Rape of a Nun brought infamy upon the Pope's name, but since the Accusers were unable to find Witnesses of this event, the Dignitary was freed from all Charges! Perhaps this is what Daniel was referring to where the Antichrist will "not regard the one desired by Women" or "not regard the desire of Women" (There's actually many different ways to Translate that, but it's tied to being either Apathetic or Opposed to the Natural Desire of Sexual Intimacy with Women. Manichaeism?). According to Peter Brown, before being made Pope, Sixtus III was a Patron of Pelagius who was later condemned as a Heretic. In a series of Treatises and Church Synods, both Augustine and Jerome sought to "refute" Pelagius until, finally, in 418 A.D. a Church Council declared him to be a Heretic. Pope Sixtus III was known in his Papacy to hate both the Nestorians and the Pelagians! Pope Sixtus was originally a Patron of Pelagius though (So it seems). The name "Pelagius" LITERALLY MEANS "Of The Sea". If Pope Sixtus III was The Image Of The Beast (The Imager Of Satan), then that means that Pope Sixtus III was The Beast "OF THE SEA"! He was a Patron of Pelagius (Pelagius literally means "Of The Sea" in and is the Graecized form of his Welsh name "Morgan" in some other Celtic name. "Super Mega Holy" Jerome threw an Ethnic insult at Pelagius by suggesting that he was "stuffed with Irish porridge" which was considered a huge insult at that time. It's identical to a Christian Southerner disagreeing with John MacArthur and then John MacArthur calling them a "Redneck" or a "Hick" and mocking their Sub-Ethnic Heritage. He was literally mocking a Celtic Man (Southerners are Neo-Celtic.) and acting like a Savage! Pope Sixtus III (Article) Pope Sixtus III (Short Biographical Video)
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